Domination escorts

Domination escorts! Let’s not be coy. If you’ve found your way here, you know exactly what you’re looking for! All of London’s finest discipline, fetish and domination escorts are merely a click away. Look here to see who is available at the moment.

A high class London dominatrix to take charge of your evening

It’s a more common request among London’s elite than you might think. You have a stressful career, and numerous demands on your time, your attention and your judgement at home as well. No one can be ‘in charge’ all the time without fraying at the edges.

What these domination escorts offer is a chance to totally let go for an evening, a weekend, or more. A chance to give control to a beautiful, dominant woman who understands what it is you need. One who can give it to you in a safe, controlled and absolutely discreet environment.

Don’t feel restrained… until you actually are.

Our elegant, forceful escorts know exactly what you want and need to give them, and are eager to take it. Our advice is, be frank in what you want and need, and be totally honest, yet respectful. These elegant ladies won’t be shocked. In fact, we’ll do our best to help you find one who will be delighted!

Looking for something slightly different? 

Let’s be direct here. If you have a kink or fetish, you need to have it met exactly. One of the services we offer is the ability to set you up with an escort of your exact type. One who is just as eager to indulge your particular kinks as you are. If what you’ve seen doesn’t quite fit the bill, don’t settle for ‘almost’. Give us a call, and we’ll do our best to make an introduction that will meet all of your needs. No matter how… complicated they might be.