Why meeting a courtesan is so Addictive?

courtesanNever eat alone

A lot of businessmen take their courtesan out for lunch, an evening meal or just a drink at a nice bar in town somewhere. Anywhere really where the businessman wants to dine but not on his own. Eating alone is not nice so you really do need some company when out. Eating with another person allows you to enjoy the meal and savour every bite, and then the company that an courtesan offers is just priceless and so this is why it is so addictive. They will comfort you in every way and so give you the absolute best evening you have ever had, so it’s no surprise that most clients come back again and again.

You will feel very relaxed and calm when eating your food and not at all. Tests have shown, and studies have been done on “lone eaters” and the outcome is that when you eat on your own you will not enjoy your food as much as you might if dining in company.

A courtesan girl in London will usually charge for 2 hours of time and an extra hour for private time (if required) as that easily gives enough time for a great evening. Many of the London courtesan will do a good rate for three hours – and this is not always the hourly rate multiplied by three.

A Courtesan attracts attention

London courtesans will never fail to impress. They dress to make you think “wow” and they will look absolutely stunning. As you stroll through the streets of the partying avenues of Marylebone, the balloons falling out of the skies in Soho or the confetti-strewn corners of Leicester Square, you will notice all the looks and stares you will get from the general public.

On your arm will be the most beautiful girl in that London Street. There will be many other men looking twice at the courtesan and then you, and thinking, “What…has he got?” There’ll be a mixture of frustration and even disappointment, but do you really care?

Women will look at you and think, “He’s got himself a real dish of a girl there, he must be attractive in some way” and so a beautiful escort and draw a lot of attention to you, as well as her.

So, you can see why it is so addictive hiring a courtesan, all of that female attention is just priceless and when you get used to it and get the most from it you’ll realise just how much fun you can have in London with an escort. Then with all of the amazing attention you get from the courtesan lady too you can see how amazing your time can be.

Call Elite London Society for more info.